During my first visit Harriette explained about Reiki, Law of Attraction, and the Art of Allowing. At the end of the session Harriette gave me these recorded CDs from Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks. She also suggested that I start meditating. During the week any time I was driving around I would listen to these CDs over and over. As the information penetrated, it started to make sense. Think about what you want and it will happen. After about 3 weeksI think I got a little overwhelmed, and thought about stopping. It was just all changing quicker then I could comprehend or allow. Looking back on it, it seems a little ridiculous that a person would want to stop feeling good. But I learned that what was happening was that my Soul was becoming aligned, so when I started to revert to the, “Old Me”, I did not feel good. And it really made me feel out of sorts. That was because I was not listening to me and doing what was good for me. So I gave myself a week off. I believe that was a major turning point. I will never go back to the “Old Me”.
As the weeks went by we also decided to break some ingrained ideas that were holding me back from moving forward to being the me I was meant to be. This has taken a big weight off my shoulders, and my body. As I have become more aligned with the person I truly am, I have begun to lose weight. It has not been hard at all. I no longer feel the need to eat when I am just sitting idle or when I don’t feel that good about myself. I finally admitted to myself that the reason I was eating was to avoid having to be available and have a relationship. That was because I was too afraid of being hurt. But I know now that I would rather try and find someone that I am truly compatible with, then to spend the rest of this life alone. My girls are growing up and will soon have independent lives of their own. This would leave me with too much free time, which I don’t want to waste being alone.
~ Single mother of 3 children, panic attacks and weight issue
Six months ago I suffered from severe depression and anxiety. I had problems at home with my family and did not know how to deal with them, and a sick Mother with Alzheimer’s disease with whom I assisted with her everyday life as much as possible. I was overwhelmed with feelings that I had to do everything and think for everyone. I was in arguments over little things and wondering why I had to go through this on a regular basis. My only release when things got too bad was to shut down into depression sometimes mistreating myself by over indulging in alcohol. I felt miserable, alone, frustrated and irritable. I knew I needed help, but I didn’t know how or what to do. And then I was introduced to Harriette.
I came with an open mind, not knowing what to expect, but feeling that whatever she was offering would help me. From the first energy balancing session I felt a sense of relief. Over time she gave me tools that improved my life, instructing me, always to meditate. When I realized that I must take care of myself first, she assisted me with the techniques for self love and admiration for others, always being thankful for the little things. I now invoke several techniques as second nature and I am enjoying a sense of peace and calm for the first time in my life. There is a renewed sense of purpose in my life and clarity of mind that allows me to enjoy life and all it has to offer. I wake up embracing the new day instead of dreading the prospect. The relationship with my wife and mother has improved and I am able to proactively address the negative effects of my past.
~ Man in his 40s